

Monday, December 15, 2014

Internet Censorship 

  • Internet censorship seems to take away peoples freedom of speatch
  • censorship of articles have been documented back to the 1400s
  • book burnings also occurred 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

In class this year we studied different search engines, which is the main one which appeals to me. this appeals to me due to the fact that most of us use it every day. People are probably writing about the same thing due to the fact it seems to be the most essential part of the internet for students. I can find out more information about search engines through certain sites and through the actual class.

Monday, December 8, 2014

  1. Do the benefits of cloning outweigh the potential risks? Why or why not? - the potential risks are serious however the benefits would be very cool, having clones of people around
  1. Does the use of an embryo for scientific purposes result in the destruction of a human life? - if this embryo was an aborted baby then i believe that it is being put to good use and it is not a distruction of human rights
  2. Can individuals in society be trusted to make decisions on cloning as ethical dilemmas appear? - no, not at all, people would make really dumb decisions with cloning
common core

why are critics opposed to common core standards- critics believe that the common core standards are too dificult for students to comprehend and to perform well is a difficult task

what are the potential benefits of having a national standards for language arts and math- it is bennificial due to the fact that there would be a standard for how intelegent people should be, people shouldnt be stupid

Friday, December 5, 2014

alcohol use

is alcoholism a lack of willpower - i do not believe that it is, more or less a loss of control over your body

should colleges implement campus-wide restrictions on alcohol use and binge drinking- i believe that would be a decent idea, college campuses usually have drinking problems so i think it would be a good idea.

should tougher dui punishments be put into play - I believe that it would be a good idea to enforce tougher laws against driving drunk. it is a dangerous activity and has the potential to harm or even kill people

should the minimum drinking age be lowered to 18 - in all reality, minors get hold of alcohol regardless of the law. so I do not believe that lowering or raising the minimum drinking age would make a difference.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

  1. Is it possible to strike a balance between online privacy and a government’s ability to track criminal and terrorist networks? Why or why not? - the government censorship is taking away from the privacy and right to choose of the american public 
  2. Name some governments that limit access to the Web. What are their reasons for doing this? - china, north korea 
  3. Are there legitimate reasons for a government to censor information on the Internet? Why or why not? - for national privacy this would be effective
  4. Has the U.S. government engaged in any forms of Internet censorship? If so, explain. - they have yes, they have censored important government information such as info leaked by edward snowden
  1. Which foods and beverages should be subject to junk food taxes? - considering that the tax went through, the foods deemed most unhealthy
  2. What should the taxes be used for? - they should go towards fixing the roads, the roads here are terrible 
  3. Should the prices of healthy foods be lowered? - yes if they are planning on making unhealthy food more expensive then they should make healthy food cheaper 
  4. Do you consider a fat tax to be regressive? Why or why not? - i believe it is, taking away an individuals choice to purchase stuff, its like prohibition 

Monday, December 1, 2014

The tax on junk food also known as the "fat tax" has been a topic discussed since the 1940's. This has been a bigger issue after the new York city mayor proposed a tax upon the junk food. Many have been disgruntled by this due to the fact that they feel as though it is taking away their rights to choose. People believe that a raise in the tax is a flash back to the days of colonized America being a colony of Britain. the taxes such as the tax on tea were rioted leading to rebellion, and it is scary to believe that that may happen with this tax as well